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We employed Google ads, SEO, LinkedIn marketing and both search and display campaigns, to increase registrations and awareness for Coverings 2022.

digital marketing campaigns

Campaigns Sequence

As we approached the event, we unrolled these campaigns in sequence. Our ad results amounted to 1.2 million impressions, 32,096 clicks, and 1,181 registrations. The average click-through rate was 2.63%, two times more than in 2021 (1.2%) and .8% higher than the industry average of 1.9%.

Our CPC was .03 cents higher than in 2021. Interestingly, we had roughly the same number of clicks as in 2020 and 2019, but 2022 saw an incredible 32,096 clicks through our ads, compared to 2,251 in 2019 and 2,476 in 2021. Overall we had 30,000 more people visit our website through our ads than in 2021. For registrations, we set a goal of 800 and exceeded the goal by 381 registrations with 1,181 registrations. Our average cost per registration ended up being $8.24! Statista says the average attendance registration price is $55 to $65.

Google ADs

We employed Google ads, both search and display campaigns, to increase awareness of the Coverings 2022 show and help drive registrations. By using display and search campaigns for three primary purposes, retargeting website visitors, Geo-targeting, and Targeting lookalike audiences. Below is a timeline of how Google Ads‘ digital marketing efforts unfolded.

LinkedIn ADs

LinkedIn was used as a platform for brand awareness to drive potential attendees directly involved in our target demographic to the website. We spent $1,540, with 257,452 impressions and 779 clicks. This averaged $1.97 per click, far lower than the platform average of $5.58. Since we are one-third below the average cost and we have options to retarget these individuals next year to drive conversions, I believe the stats show that this was a good investment that could harness a great potential to increase Attendance registrations for Coverings in 2023.


We will examine the essential website stats for Covering’s website, such as comparing top pages, bounce rates, and UX. Covering’s 2022 website focused on these primary audiences, prospective and registered attendees, prospective and current exhibitors, and the press. The website functioned as a tool for each audience to register for the show, view the educational program sessions, schedule, and speakers, view the show floor map and current exhibitor list, read the blog, view press releases, and learn more about the show features. In addition to the primary functions.

Nation Media Design | Grand Rapids Marketing, SEO & Design Agency Coverings Digital Marketing: Google ads Both Search & Display Campaigns

Website Analytics

The following table shows traffic, sessions, page views, and average session duration between 2021 and 2022 Digital Marketing Campaigns.

Top pages and bounce rates comparison

This year, the top pages on the website were: FAQ, About, and Exhibit. In addition, the bounce rates on our pages went down 9.64% from 2021, indicating that in 2022 we reduced the number of people leaving the site and encouraged them to explore (Over 10,003 more people from 2021). We did this by creating a better user experience through new design updates and enhanced content on the site.

Nation Media Design | Grand Rapids Marketing, SEO & Design Agency Coverings Digital Marketing: Google ads Both Search & Display Campaigns

Traffic organic traffic in 2022 was up over 254.21% from 2021. Organic traffic increased by over 70,000 users in 2021. 1/4 of these users were returning, and 3/4 were new users who had never previously visited our site.

Nation Media Design | Grand Rapids Marketing, SEO & Design Agency Coverings Digital Marketing: Google ads Both Search & Display Campaigns
Nation Media Design | Grand Rapids Marketing, SEO & Design Agency Coverings Digital Marketing: Google ads Both Search & Display Campaigns


We have a split between user traffic and device usage. 57% of users are on Desktop and about 42% on the phone, while those using a tablet are less than 1%. The top 5 countries visiting the website are the United States, Italy, India, Canada, and Spain.

Business type pages

Distributors are the most engaged business on the site, with the most visits and the highest level of pages explored. They explore and spend the most time on our site of any group. We had over 2,000 visits, with an average time of 1:41 spent on the page.

Top referral sources

Almost tied for first direct (Visiting and organic search traffic (Finding Coverings in Google search) is the number one source of traffic, with the third being paid search (Google ADs).

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